Staying active outdoor with high temperatures (95F+) is a good challenge. Wether you are into calisthenics, parkour, cycling or running, all you need to do is adapt.
- Early mornings and evenings (6-7-8am/7-8-9pm) are good times to get a workout or session in when conditions are very hot.
- Avoid sun peak hours 12 to 5pm!
- Shorter sets (8/10 reps), and sessions (30/45min), focus on intensity and recuperation.
- Mix Incremental Ladders & Pyramid routines (see what is a pyramid and ladder workout here)
- Agility work (animal style moves, crawls, levers, handstands…)
- Look for shaded and/or green urban areas
- Find a park with shaded areas near you
- Enjoy the beach if you have one at your disposal
Water & Food
- Start the day with a large glass of water and pay special attention to drinking enough through the day (1 to 2 gallons).
- Good for runners (but everyone else too): coconut water for its refreshing electrolytes
- Eat lots of veggies, greens and fruits (contain a lot of water)
- Go for flex foods for easy digestion (avocado, omelettes, hot/cold soups, bananas…).
- Avoid over salted dishes and high sodium products
- Avoid caffeine and pre workout supplements