No equipment required
1/ Whatever exercise you are performing, always try to hold your last repetition
2/ If there is a pull bar or anything to hang from, replace back training with 3 sets of 10+ wide grip pull-ups (or derivate when/if tire: jumped/negative pull ups, assisted pull ups with band, chin ups)
- Warm up & Stretches/wrist/shoulder/neck/elbows: 2:30 min
- Sumo squat down holds * 30 sec
- Knee high Jumping: 30 sec – Max reps (alternate each leg)
- Heel to butt jumping: 30 sec – Max reps (alternate each leg)
- Squat jumps * 30 sec – Max reps (touch knees with elbows, watch the landing)
- Rest 30 sec
- Total: 5 Min
- Tabata Workout Routine (download free Runtastic timer on Itunes or Google Play): 4 min
- 20 sec push ups/10 sec rest in plank position * 8 sets (Go For Knee Push Ups and planks when to tired)
- Alternate grip (diamond/neutral/wide) & rest position (alternate 1set plank/1set down 2 inches form the floor) for each set.
- Rest 1 min
- Total: 5 min
- Superman Floor hold (lay on the ground face down, lift both feet and arm/hands up, toes pointing back- 1 min
- Horizontal/incline Pulls: Doorway (door opened!) or vertical pole/anything similar
- Stand up, face wall, door opened, feet inch off the wall, grab doorway wall with right hand, slowly lean back to initial position.
- Try to pull fast and release slow (till arm is straight, make sure to slow control the negative part of movement) – 1 min – max reps (30 sec each arm)
- Shoulder shrug pulls up/down (alternate hands over head/hands in front) – 1min
- Shoulder shrug rolls (alternate hands over head/hands down) – 1min
- Rest 1 min
- Total: 5 min
If Pull Up Bar
- Knee raises (alternate angles, front/sides): 12/10/8/8 (hold each last rep) – 2 min
If No Pull Up Bar: substitute bar knee raises with Stand Up Knee raises
Stand up knee raises: raise knee to opposite chest side. Alternate both legs. Insist on lifting your leg with your lower abs rather than swinging your leg up. Do not use momentum – 2 min
Floor abs session:
- Laying down, holding both legs straight front and feet up, toes pointed up, heels 1 inch off the floor – 1 min
- Hypopressive ab training: laying down, push your knees against your palms and vice and versa, press as hard as possible – 1 min
- Side plank standing on hand, arm straight – 1 min (switch side after 30 sec)
- Floor windshield wipers: lay down, leg straight up, go from left to right – 1 min
- Total: 5 min