Here is a quick superset routine to stay in shape during summer.
- Warm up: stretch poses/drills on hips/shoulders/neck/wrists
- Pull/push: 10/10 – 9/9 – 8/8 – 7/7 – 6/6. Down to 1 if possible!
- Headbangers/Dips: 5/5 x 4 sets
- Front lever: front raises x 3 x 3 sets // Front lever tuck holds x 10 sec x 3 sets
- Handstand tuck ups x 4 x 3 sets // Mountain climbers x 20 x 3 sets
- Squats x 100+ / Floor Hip Thrusts x 100+ (add isometric holds every 25 reps)
- Abs: knee raises, leg raises, side raises x 10+ each, Add 10 sec Isometric holds at the end of each set
Rest 30 sec, 1 minute between sets then 2, 3 minutes between each superset group.Try to complete this in 30 minutes max.